Our ocean’s make up seventy-one percent of the Earth and scientists estimate that there are about one million species of animals living in the ocean, with many completely undiscovered by scientists. Because the ocean is so vast, we as humans have discovered many ways to use it to our advantage. One of those major ways being fishing. For centuries humans have been fishing for food and for sport. This has led to a destruction of fish populations as well as other species populations across the globe.
Overfishing is incredibly problematic for several reasons. The first reason is the destruction of other, bigger, species besides fish. Dolphins, wales, and sharks are all potential victims of fishing boats and nets. Often times large fishing boats drag their nets through the water collecting every animal in its path which has led to the death of countless innocent animals. There have also been numerous times where large fishing boats have run straight into the backs of some of the most beautiful species of wales, killing them. Another big reason why overfishing matters, is because killing the populations of fish will ultimately lead to a food shortage for so many groups of people that rely heavily on fish as the protein in their diets. The primary cause of overfishing is poor fishing management by governments. In many countries, fisheries are governed by rules that ultimately make the fishing problems worse and lead to overfishing.
The best way to solve the problem of overfishing is by implementing smarter management systems in countries where fishing is a staple of the economy. The idea of fishing rights, where fishermen’s interests are tied to the long-term health of a fisher, is the most viable solution to this large problem. Ultimately, if overfishing gets out of hand, it will be detrimental not only for the large sea animal populations, but for humans as well. It is imperative that governments understand these issues and make changes to create a better world for all species.
I never knew overfishing was a problem until reading this post! The fact that these ocean animals get stuck in nets while also being crushed by boats is painful to hear. I was mainly interested in your explanation of how overfishing will ultimately cause a food shortage in years to come for people and cultures who rely specifically on fish. The fact that this issue not only affects the animals in the ocean, but humans as well provides reasons for fixing the problem at hand.
It is so sad that there is so much overfishing. I liked how you listed out each specific problem with overfishing which made it clear for me to understand. Well written post!